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From our Community Blog:

Seeking coordinators for the WPCampus 2023 planning committee

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Hello, friends!

WPCampus has been patiently waiting to host an event in New Orleans, and we are thrilled to head to Tulane University in New Orleans (USA) on July 12-14, 2023 (Wednesday – Friday) for WPCampus 2023, our annual (sometimes online, sometimes in-person) summer conference.

WPCampus 2023 will be our fourth attempt to host an in-person conference since COVID began. It is hard to believe we will go almost four years without seeing each other in person.

And with only six months until the event, it is time we started working together to organize the event and bring our community together for learning, networking, and so much more.

Why do we need help?

Planning a conference can be a lot of fun but requires time and energy to consider and plan for all the details that make these events run smoothly. To organize the conference, we need folks willing to volunteer their time and energy to join the WPCampus 2023 planning committee and help bring our community event to life.

If you've ever been interested in organizing a conference, our event is an excellent opportunity for on-the-job education.

Perks of being on the planning committee

  • A complimentary ticket to the conference
  • Complimentary on-campus dorm lodging for up to 4 nights
  • Bonus swag given only to planning committee members

We acknowledge that folks on the planning committee deserve so much more, e.g., travel vouchers, but these are all the tangible perks we can promise at this time.

Expectations for being on the planning committee

As with most of our community's communication and planning, we aim to set expectations and help you understand what to expect as someone donating your time, skills, and energy.

To help keep this post short, I will point you to our Planning Coordinator roles document for a complete list of what to expect as a member of the WPCampus 2023 planning committee.

Roles needed for the planning committee

Planning our event requires the service of a Conference Chair, a Vice Conference Chair, and eight topic-focused coordinators.

If you are interested in fulfilling one of the following roles, please check out our Roles needed for the planning committee document for more information about each role, including a list of their designated responsibilities.

Here is the complete list of roles needed for the planning committee. Some positions might need more than one coordinator.

Roles we need to fill

Roles we have filled

How to join the planning committee

If you would like to volunteer for a specific role, submit your information to the planning committee web form on the WPCampus website.

Use the form to share your name, email address, and how you want to help. Our Director and Conference Chair, Rachel Cherry, will be the one to read your submission and get in touch with you.

If you have questions about the committee, please email your questions to conference[at] Our Director and Conference Chair, Rachel Cherry, will be the one to read your email and get in touch with you.

Volunteer to be on the planning committee

In closing

We hope everyone will feel safe to travel this summer and spend a few days networking, learning, and fostering relationships with each other in New Orleans.

It will be hot (I'm thinking some fan swag?), but New Orleans is a beautiful city with lots of fun things to see and do and many delicious things to eat.

So mark your calendars and save the dates for some jazzy WPCampus fun in New Orleans! Visit the WPCampus 2023 website for more information about the event.