(Note: thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to update the blog with a backlog of meeting minutes for 2024. Please send any comments to secretary@wpcampus.org.)
Meeting date/time: June 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm Eastern
Attendees: Dash, Ed
Guests: Lee Skallerup Bassette, Joni Halabi
- Check in on the progress of new standing committees.
- Discuss AI technologies, and how the organization does or does not use them.
Roll Call
- Note attendees of this meeting (in the Details section above), and list any absences.
- Recognize attendee guests.
Approval of Minutes
- Review, correct, and approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
Reports or Presentations
- Report on the organization’s finances.
- Report on the 2024 annual conference planning.
Old Business
- Discuss unresolved action items from the previous meeting.
- Identify action items regarding new standing committees and assign those action items to committee directors or other individuals.
New Business
- Check in on the progress of new standing committees.
- Discuss AI technologies, and how the organization does or does not use them.
Private Session
- A private session may be held here if there are matters that only members of the Board of Directors need to discuss at this time.
Action Items
- A list of action items as a result of this meeting
- Confirm July 2, 2024 for the next meeting.
- Final thoughts, reminders, or general chit-chat.
Quorum was not met for this meeting as only Ed and Dash were available. Reed declined to join the meeting while the Fireflies.ai Notetaker was present. Approximately 10 minutes was spent trying to see if we could remove the AI notetaker from the meeting but no one present was able to claim hosting duties and do so.
Lee Skallerup Bassette shared information related to on-campus session placement.
Attendance at the conference this year vs. last year was also discussed.