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Playlist: WPCampus 2019

When you have a handful of sites, updating plugins and core from the Web GUI, and managing your theme in GIT works. But what happens when you have dozens if not hundreds of sites? How do you manage changes in an efficient, standard fashion, that minimizes downtime?

Enter Composer, a package manager for PHP that allows you to manage a project’s dependencies and requirements.

Thinking of your site as a project with dependencies versus just a bunch of code opens up a whole new level of possibilities. Unfortunately, WordPress does not support composer out-of-the-box and takes some effort to get working properly. Join a panel of Higher Ed developers and architects as they discuss why they chose a composer-based management workflow, how they’ve implemented this workflow on their campuses, and lessons-learned.

You can learn more about this session on the WPCampus 2019 website at

Adam Berkowitz
Charles Fulton
Paul Gilzow
Lauren Kelly

What is WPCampus?
WPCampus 2019 was the fourth annual in-person conference for the WPCampus community, a gathering of web professionals, educators and people dedicated to the confluence of WordPress in higher education. The event took place July 25-27, 2019 on the campus of Lewis & Clark College. Learn more about the event at

Session Video

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