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Help! I’ve been hacked!

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You can learn more about this session on the WPCampus 2017 website at

Session Description:
WordPress has been given a bad rap as being easy to hack. The most common problem that causes a website to be hacked is human error. It is possible to recover from being hacked, but it is better to follow best security practices. Having a WordPress site hacked is costly. I can vouch that one of my multisite got hacked, and what it took to recover.

This session is for the beginner WordPress institutional users to help them understand some easy-to-adopt practices to keep their sites safe.

Dave Wynne

What is WPCampus?
WPCampus 2017 was the second annual in-person conference for the WPCampus community, a gathering of web professionals, educators and people dedicated to the confluence of WordPress in higher education. The event took place July 14-15 on the campus of Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. Learn more about the event at

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