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WPCampus 2021 Online recordings are now available

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The video recordings from the WPCampus 2021 Online presentations are now available and accessible via the event schedule.

All videos are captioned and will soon include full transcripts.

Planning ahead for WPCampus 2022

COVID-pending, we hope we will be able to gather in person at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana for WPCampus 2022.

The event will be held on a Wednesday - Friday in July 2022. We have already secured conference space and affordable on-campus housing. We should be able to announce the specific dates soon.

Thank you to everyone who has given feedback for our next event. Your input is invaluable in our efforts to plan the best event for our community.

Thank you for a wonderful event

The WPCampus 2021 Online planning committee would like to express our endless gratitude to everyone involved in giving life to this year's event.

Events like WPCampus 2021 Online would not be possible without a huge amount of dedication, time, and support.

Thank you to our lead organizers

Reach out to our organizers if you have any questions.

  1. Blake Bertucceli
  2. Rachel Cherry
  3. Amber Hinds
  4. Pat Lockley
  5. Timmy Gelles

Thank you to our presenters

Learn more about our amazing presenters.

  1. Aaron Baker
  2. Aimee Patton
  3. Aisling Douglas
  4. Amber Hinds
  5. Amod Lele
  6. Amy Grace Wells
  7. AmyJune Hineline
  8. Anne McCarthy
  9. Annie Tudora
  10. Blake Bertuccelli
  11. Bonnie Russell
  12. Boone Gorges
  13. Brian DeConinck
  14. Carie Fisher
  15. Chaney Kourouniotis
  16. Charlie Edwards
  17. Cherie van Putten
  18. Cheryl Bowker, Ph.D.
  19. Christopher Stein
  20. David DeCamp
  21. Elaine Shannon
  22. Erik Runyon
  23. Georgy Cohen
  24. Gian Wild
  25. Hidde de Vries
  26. Hugh McGuire
  27. James Seidler
  28. Janell Sims
  29. Jesse Janowiak
  30. Jessica Orozco
  31. Jody R. Rosen
  32. John Boyer
  33. John Lenehan
  34. John-Paul Briones
  35. John Rhea
  36. John Richards II
  37. Jonathan Williams
  38. Joni Halabi
  39. Joshue O'Connor
  40. Kenzie Woodbridge
  41. Khaled Arnaout
  42. Kimberly L. Henry, PhD
  43. Kim Casey
  44. Kyle Unzicker
  45. Lea Alcantara
  46. Luke Leber
  47. Martin Yoakum
  48. Matt Lees
  49. Matt Ryan
  50. Melissa Lesica
  51. Michael Miles
  52. Michael Nelson
  53. Miriam Schwab
  54. Nathan Monk
  55. Paul Gilzow
  56. Reed Piernock
  57. Roberta (Robin) Sullivan
  58. Ronnie Burt
  59. Stephen Locker
  60. Steve Jones
  61. Steve Ryan
  62. Sue Jenkins
  63. Travis Cook
  64. Vicky Tosh-Morelli

Thank you to our sponsors

Learn more about our sponsors and the great services they provide.

  1. CampusPress
  2. ModernTribe
  3. Pantheon
  5. Edupack
  6. Elementor
  7. Happy Prime
  8. InMotion Hosting
  9. 5 Degrees Branding
  10. EasyWP
  11. Pgogy Webstuff
  12. QTS
  13. HighEdWeb

Thank you to our volunteers

From hosting sessions to moderating online chat, we rely on the kindness of volunteers to bring our event to life.

  1. Paul F. Gilzow
  2. Stephanie Friedman
  3. Daniel Bisett
  4. Robin Smail
  5. Kimberly Charles
  6. Natasha Mojica
  7. Yogesh Londhe
  8. David Dashifen Kees
  9. Rebecca Shillenn
  10. Chirag Patel
  11. Steve Foerster
  12. Steven Ryan
  13. Mary Job
  14. AmyJune Hineline
  15. Sylvia Bass
  16. Ashley Chadwick
  17. Bill Mlacak
  18. L. Danielle Baldwin
  19. Kevin Reynen
  20. Claudia Snell
  21. Michael Porter
  22. Bright Emeka