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Tag: diversity and inclusion

The WPCampus community is delighted to announce our official Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement.

This statement came from a desire by the WPCampus leadership to prioritize issues of equity and diversity. As many of you know, accessibility is a major focus for our initiatives and events. We believe that accessibility can only be achieved through a culture that supports inclusion of all types of members, and efforts to provide equity in experience for those members.

Our Diversity & Inclusion group is proud to be able to put words to our strong feelings and provide an official focus to this critically important issue. We hope you’ll take a moment to read through it and reflect on how you can implement these principals in your experiences with WPCampus, and in your daily life.

View our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement

The statement and Code of Conduct will be linked – both online and organizationally. These documents should support each other and the Code of Conduct is meant to enforce and provide processes for instances of violations in our community. It’s our hope that these statements inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves, and lift the whole community by our inclusion and support of each other.

This statement was inspired by and built off of several others:

It’s released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. If you have feedback we encourage you to share it with us! You can contact us on Slack or via our web form.

How to get involved

Our Diversity & Inclusion Interest Group meets monthly in the #diversity-inclusion channel in Slack. This group has a lot of other initiatives. Next on their agenda is to review our current Code of Conduct. If you’re interested in helping you can offer feedback online, and all are welcome to join our meetings (third Thursday’s of the month, 1pm CST). You can also join the #diversity-inclusion channel to follow along with our efforts. If you’re not already in Slack, you can join using our get involved form.

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